Since I'm a social networking gigolo, I join most of the social networking sites I see on the web [although I've also left a few like bebo, zorpia, tagged, facebox etc since these seem lousy and aren't feature rich] I still maintain atleast 4 [friendster, myspace, multiply, and now facebook]. I joined iLike, flixster and installed audioscrobbler on my PCs, so now people can check out what I listen too and what movies I've seen/would like to see. I'm also into the whole web presence thing I have both twitter and jaiku accounts. Apart from this I also have this blog which cross posts to my multiply account. I find myself spending most of my time on multiply nowadays it's just more flexible compared to friendster and myspace which are my oldest accounts (both have the most contacts). Facebook is pretty cool too as you can add 'applications' to it... I've added my flixster/iLike/jaiku/twitter/ and a fortune cookie app to my account and I'm looking for more stuff to add as I write this post! facebook hasn't really caught on here yet I think, but it seems pretty big in NA. Too lazy to sift through my contacts and spam people to join facebook though so I'll just keep on playing with it for now.
Tech Loving, Trance Listening, Dimsum Eating, Coffee Drinking, Jedi in Training -- also a curmudgeon who tweets a lot.
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