Unleash the FORCE On September 16, 2008 Story The next chapter in the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed , tells the story of Darth Vader’s Secret Apprentice, a mysterious figure trained by the menacing Sith Lord, to hunt down the last of the Jedi. Set in the dark times between Episodes III and IV, the story is both a continuation of the prequel trilogy – exploring the aftermath of Order 66, which called for the immediate execution of all Jedi, and focusing on the continued rise of Darth Vader – and a direct bridge to the Original Trilogy. The Force Unleashed will forever change the fate of the Galaxy and explain key plot points that directly lead into events in Star Wars: A New Hope. The Secret Apprentice’s journey takes him across the Galaxy—from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk to the junkyard planet Raxus Prime and the mushroom-covered planet, Felucia. He is aided in his dangerous missions by a loyal sidekick PROXY - a prototype holodroid with amazing abilities, and a...