If we reward advertisers with our hard-earned monies for putting out interesting, funny and / or compelling adverts, should we not punish them for non-interesting, non-funny, or offensive in nature?
Look, I love Burger King, in fact I think they currently offer the best fast food burgers in the Philippine market. If you check my instagram foodspotting photos you'd see some proof.
However, recently BK PH (@burgerkingph) has come out with a dumb advertising campaign. It's called can't commit (#CantCommit) to promote their 3-meat whopper. It is possible that this campaign was designed using their endorser, a local psuedo-celebrity / shock-jock from Boys Night Out an FM radio program. I do not listen to local radio with any frequency (I prefer podcasts) so their reference is lost on me.
As of this writing
Let's look at that tweet.
So we can see that it has 5 replies, 5 favorites, and 6 retweets for an account with 46,533 followers that is kinda lame isn't it?
Hey BK, I'd like to say that your campaign is exclusionary -- it excludes people who do not follow or listen to your endorser and his radio program. I find the video odd and it doesn't make me want to eat a whopper at all. In fact it makes me question eating at BK and has compelled me to write this short blog post.
So here is my commitment to you Burger King. I will not eat whoppers for the duration of this dumb #CantCommit campaign. I do hope it ends soon because I really love them whoppers.
Look, I love Burger King, in fact I think they currently offer the best fast food burgers in the Philippine market. If you check my instagram foodspotting photos you'd see some proof.
However, recently BK PH (@burgerkingph) has come out with a dumb advertising campaign. It's called can't commit (#CantCommit) to promote their 3-meat whopper. It is possible that this campaign was designed using their endorser, a local psuedo-celebrity / shock-jock from Boys Night Out an FM radio program. I do not listen to local radio with any frequency (I prefer podcasts) so their reference is lost on me.
As of this writing
Let's look at that tweet.
So we can see that it has 5 replies, 5 favorites, and 6 retweets for an account with 46,533 followers that is kinda lame isn't it?
Hey BK, I'd like to say that your campaign is exclusionary -- it excludes people who do not follow or listen to your endorser and his radio program. I find the video odd and it doesn't make me want to eat a whopper at all. In fact it makes me question eating at BK and has compelled me to write this short blog post.
So here is my commitment to you Burger King. I will not eat whoppers for the duration of this dumb #CantCommit campaign. I do hope it ends soon because I really love them whoppers.
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