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Tips: Remove Broken Files or Missing Files from iTunes Library

Sometimes when you move things around you get broken or missing files in iTunes. Here is how to get rid of those ghost files.
Step 1: Create a SMART PLAYLIST name it All Files 
Use Artist is not 123456789 (so it will pick-up everything) as variable you may also add other filters like is not podcast or is not audiobook or is not video etc
Step 2: Create a STATIC PLAYLIST and name it All Live Files (so the list is empty at first)
Step 3: Select everything in All Files (SMART PLAYLIST) and drag and drop onto All Live Files (STATIC PLAYLIST) iTunes will only copy the unbroken files. 

Step 4: Create a second SMART PLAYLIST name this Missing Files use the following as variables:
Playlist is All Files (from Step 1)
Playlist is not All Live Files (from Step 2)


Step 5: When you click on Missing Files (SMART PLAYLIST, from step 4) you should be left with only your missing files.


Select all (or some) of the missing files, notice you will not be able to delete or remove them from your library by just hitting DELETE (the option is also not available in the menu) 


From here you have two (2) options: #1 locate the files or #2 remove the files from your library, for option #2: you need to hold the SHIFT key + DELETE (notice that Delete is now available in the menu)


Now you have a nice and clean iTunes library. 

This is the guide I followed:



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