Today is CAR-less day in Marikina, major roads have been blocked off to automotive traffic... What the Fuck is MCF [the mayor] thinking? It's a friggin Monday for Christ's sake, I've nothing against lowering emissions etc etc. but don't you think having to divert traffic thru longer routes would cause: more traffic and therefore more burned fuel, and of course wasted time. Shit! Who was the fucking wise ass who scheduled this CAR-less day on a Monday and during a time where road works were being done all over the city? I mean they could've scheduled it on a Saturday and Sunday when most businesses are closed. Somebody needs to check MCF she must be suffering from heat stroke... >:)
Tech Loving, Trance Listening, Dimsum Eating, Coffee Drinking, Jedi in Training -- also a curmudgeon who tweets a lot.
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