If you find yourself looking at tons of sites nay if you are on the internet. I suggest you get an Instapaper account. http://www.instapaper.com I find it particularly useful when I am on twitter (or when I am on a very slow connection). This way I can save pages I want to look at them later.
Basically Instapaper is a service which saves links and shows them sans formatting. Which means it will consume less data. Content is king and with Instapaper it is content which is front and center, of course you can visit the original site with a simple click / tap. It's a very good multi-platform bookmark service.
After creating your account you can make a Read Later button so you can add web pages to your Instapaper via the browser. As you can see I have Instapaper pinned on Google Chrome (yes I am a chrome puff) this way whatever I save on my iPhone will show up once I start Chrome. Whatever I tag for later in Chrome will also show up in the Instapaper iOS app.
They have an iPhone App, the lite (free) version is good enough. The full version will cost you 4.99USDMost twitter clients support Instapaper here it is in action with TweetBot
Instapaper is an essential service for anyone who uses the internet.
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