October 2007 Cigarette Consumption Reduction Program (CCRP).
A = Allowed
C = Consumed
U (O) = Under (Over)
Total failure... October is the start of the 2nd phase of my CCRP, which according to Smoke Free Bny: Definitions, Regulations and Sanctions should be at 25% reduction rate. From the data I'm still a little under 50% [almost same consumption as September]. Looking at my November listing [on my PocketPC] I'm already over the limit and it's barely a week into the month and I'm already over my limit. So basically I screwed up October and November [already!], honestly I think I bit off more than I could chew. I'm not making any excuses so the sanctions still apply: no STAR WARS STUFF and no TECH STUFF for November thru December [Shitballs!].A = Allowed
C = Consumed
U (O) = Under (Over)
Since Phase 2 isn't working, I've decided to stop the CCRP and will try to go COLD TURKEY. Everyone says it's the most effective method and I think it's high time I give it a shot. Now when I will do that I don't know yet. At this moment I am not yet ready but one thing is for sure I will give it a shot. FORCE guide me.
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