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I am not neglecting my blog I'm just a bit busy...

It would look like I'd been neglecting my blog, haven't I. Well not entirely all my fault really last week's typhoon gave us 4 days of no electricity and 5 days without internet at home or the office [not to mention the massive damaged it caused around the country, to this my problems seem minute]. It also caused me to loose a lot of sleep. Also I am reviewing a notebook for a small company [I'm not sure if I can disclose anything about it yet, I did not sign an NDA though hehehe] so that's keeping me busy as well. Aside of course from my duties here at the office and at Gadgetgeeks. Well well well seems like I'm going to be a 'Busy Bean' this October. Let's see I've got a wedding to attend [plus Bachelor's party of course ;-)], my birthday's coming up, I'm off to Hong Kong to do some sourcing for Gadgetgeeks, and I need to come up with my new line of Spider-man shoes for next year's theathrical release [we got the license for the 3rd movie]. I feel so tired, I need a break, I'm pretty sure we all do... I work Mondays 10am-8pm for Gadgetgeeks, Tuesdays to Fridays I'm at the office 9am to 6pm, Saturdays and Sundays I'm back at Gadgetgeeks. I've never been one to complain, I just hunker down and do my job, whatever it takes to get the job done. However sometimes I feel that I am over doing it [well actually other people are telling me this] but what am I to do? Should I allow our infant venture to go down the crap pipes? Basically it's... if I don't do it who will? My bro and I are the one's usually maning the kiosk on weekends I wonder what the other 5 partners are doing? This is the first time I ask this. I know 2 have work on Saturdays but where are they on Sundays? The other 3, probably busy with their own projects. I guess we really need to set a proper schedule on who should man the kiosk I just feel that although our employees are capable at this stage we still need to keep a close eye on the business as it is just starting out. It boils down to division of labour, I'm in charge of documents, taxes, and our employees [we only have 2 so it's easy for now], we are 7 partners with 7 days in a week. I would think me and my bro would not need to do a double or triple shift now that we are complete here in Manila. We need to talk about this in next week's meeting... But after 2 of our partners get back from Boracay. Speaking of Boracay... I wish I could go there. I've actually never been. I hear about all the 'fun stuff' in the isle but have never been there... I think I should go there one of these days... maybe next year [if time permits].


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