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Death of a Hobby

Was checking the downloads for my hobby / side project / podcast today.

The good news is that downloads for the month of February are 78% more
than that of January. Given that February is shorter and had less
episodes I think this is positive.

The bad news is I'm forced to stop posting new episodes because the
hosting costs have become unacceptable.

While I am quite happy making episodes and passionate about sharing
the EDM love. I must find another less costly hobby.

I am keeping up the episodes for a couple of months so subscribers can
still download the back episodes.

Grab them from iTunes if you wish:


  1. why not do a couple of songs a month and share it via dropbox?

    sayang e! hehe

    1. Can't use Dropbox with the bandwidth that a show uses. My account has already been suspended in the past. Hehe.


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