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Showing posts from April, 2017

Why is Apple killing Enhanced Podcasts?

I've been an off + on podcaster for a few years. You can check out my electronic music appreciation podcast = Thank You For The Music (shameless plug). From the start, I wanted to do enhanced podcasts just like the wonderful podcast Coverville . Enhanced podcasts add chapter support with different artwork per track and even URLs to podcasts. A really useful feature IMO. In recent years it seems both iTunes + Apple's Podcast app support for enhanced podcasts have become worse. iOS I've been testing the Podcast App and it doesn't even display the chapter artwork properly. It works well on Downcast App. Desktop In iTunes 12.6 as you can see the controls are hidden, difficult and don't work very well. The chapter artwork also doesn't change except on the mini player view. WEAK!!! Downcast for macOS has better support Enhanced Podcast support vs iTunes 12. It seems third party devs may be following Apple's lead, OvercastFM my current a...

Thrawn by Timothy Zahn Enjoying the audio book very much!

Windows 10 Mobile Build 15063.138

enrolled my @Lumia 650 to @windowsinsider #fastring hope to get 15063.138 before Easter hehe. #windowsmobile — Vincent B Castro (@bnycastro) April 12, 2017 Well after only a few hours of my above tweet hoping to get Windows 10 Mobile Build 15063.138 it is now downloading on my device hehe. I did have to install build 15063.2 before 138 appeared under updates. Will report back on how the update goes...