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Showing posts from March, 2015

I like how Windows Phone uses the Shift & CAPS key.

Kanye West, Glastonbury Festival, Native Advertising

Native Advertising 101: cross promote Kanye West + Glastonbury Festival, write "news article" pitting asshole "performer (?)" vs rock fans / attendees. No mention of comments from event organizers or the artist being petitioned off the stage, be sure you have the dates and line up link in the article.   When I read this article, it felt more like native advertisement for the Festival with a dab of promotion for Kanye West.   As of this writing 118,450 people (or bots) signed the petition but is this really the best use for ? Does the performer care? Do the event organizers care? Why should we care?  I think Mr. West's music is garbage but should the event organizers go back on their plans (I'm sure a contract was signed at some point) opening the...

Star Wars Battlefront Incoming...

I saw that Star Wars Battlefront from EA will be featured during Star Wars Celebration 2015. Good news for FPS gamers but what I want is an RTS set in the Star Wars Universe... Something like "Red Alert" or "StarCraft" Imagine it! Missions set in the Prequel Trilogy, Original Trilogy, and possibly DLC / expansions for The Force Awakens!!! That would be so wizard!!! (See what I did there? Ha!)